Chapter 3 - Emphasis

Chapter 3

Emphasis and Focal Point

The Emphasis of a design is the element that carries the weight in the design, that draws the eye, or leads you to a certain point.  Here are 4 types of Emphasis / Focal Points.

Emphasis by Contrast - This is when an element is separated by the value or color of itself in relation to the other parts.  The image with the girl displays how she is not only brighter than the surroundings but also actually in a more bold color.

        Emphasis by Isolation - Where a part or parts of a design is separated from the others.  This image also shows and example of that, notice she is places farther up the path and away from the other kids, which are in a group.

          Emphasis by Placement - Placement can be similar to Isolation in that because of the placement of an element it may become isolated.  Although placement isn't as specific as isolation since it doesn't need to be apart from the other elements to be made a focal point.

Wikipedia. 31 Dec. 2011. Web.

Emphasizing Whole Over Parts - A design my use a bunch of parts to give a whole idea or emphasis on an idea.  As shown below, there are many super heroes but they all represent the designing company, Marvel. Web.

Additional Thinks to Know:

  • The Focal Point is the element that is the point of interest in a design. 

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